I want a puppy or kitten! That one looks so cute! It looks so sad just lying there. Its only $200! Let’s get it! Pedigree-Pets looks at the importance of choosing the right breed for your lifestyle and why ignoring aesthetic qualities is vital when getting a pet.
These spur of the moment decisions can be some of the most heart-breaking, costly exercises you will ever experience.
Choosing a pet should not be based just on how a pet looks as a baby, there is so much more to consider, and this is a huge topic based on multiple variables. So here’s Pedigree-Pets key piece of advice:
What does this mean you ask? Research what?
When most people start looking for a pet, the first thing they do is trawl the buy and sell pages on whichever is their favourite platform. Society is currently obsessed with the need for instant gratification so its “see pet, buy pet”. But this is far from ideal.
So, let’s break it down.
Step 1.
Who are you? Silly question, but relevant. You need to know this because any breeder worth getting a pet from is going to ask. They’re going to want to know:
- Where do you live? Are you in a townhouse, apartment, city, rural, residential? What location/town/city? Access to dog parks?
- Who lives in that home? Are you by yourself? A family of 5, with mum, dad & 3 kids? Or do you have Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandad, 5 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 15 chickens and a dozen fish?
- What do you do? Do you work the typical 9-5 workday, work from home, work 80 hours a week?
- How active are you? (More relevant to dogs). Do you tend to love your couch or are constantly outdoors, hiking, tramping, or somewhere in the middle?
- Have you had experience owning pets? Which breeds? How long? What was your experience like?
This may sound extremely nosy, but pets are not a products, they are not a commodity, they are a living, breathing FEELING creatures that brings love and companionship into our lives. Good breeders have been with their babies since conception, and want to know they are going to a loving, forever home, where the new owners understand what is expected from them.
Step 2.
Evaluate yourself. This is where you need to be realistic.
What type of a pet is going to suit your home and lifestyle?
- Do you want a lap cat, that sticks close to home, is always on your lap, super placid and calm? Or do you want an exercise buddy? Someone who can come on the hour long daily run?
- Size. When it comes to pets, size does matter. The size of the pet must suit the environment. Plus the larger the size the higher the cost to feed, flea, worm, medicate and pretty much everything associated with the pet.
- Activity levels and time at home. Can you cope with the exercise requirements of a highly active dog? Can you provide enough companionship/entertainment for a highly intelligent, active cat?
Step 3.
Ok, now you can start looking. Most people choose based on looks, so start with that. See what type of pets you like the look of, find out what breed they are and then start researching. For the breed you like the look of you will need to know:
- Health issues - This is a big one, some breeds are prone to specific health issues, some are genetic and can be excluded via testing, others are due to bloodlines, and some others are simply due to a predisposition. Get this right and you will have a healthier pet for longer.
- Food requirements – quality is the main thing here. The bigger the pet, the higher your food bill.
- Size - when fully grown, will they fit in your home?
- Exercise requirements – how much is required, does this suit your lifestyle?
- Special care – some pets require special care in terms of professional grooming and other needs.
- Cost - The costs for pets varies hugely, and can be due to what is done by the breeder, and the quality of care provided during their early weeks. Cheaper is not always better, but then just because it has a high price tag doesn’t mean they are going to be issue free. Its more an indicator.